Caring for Visitors Touched by Adversity
About VASH Hawai'i Island
Our Mission is to share the Aloha spirit with visitors affected by adversity. Even though vacations are supposed to be happy times, sometimes unfortunate events happen. When far from home, visitors often do not have access to their own support systems and resources.
VASH assistance is designed to help visitors cope with and recover from a variety of unfortunate situations, i.e. lost documents, crime, medical emergencies, or death of a loved one.
VASH receives referrals from the Hawaiʻi County Police Department, local hospitals, airport security and others. We evaluate each situation individually and offer appropriate support services.
Volunteers are the heart of VASH. The services to visitors are made possible through the generous contribution of time and talents from a diverse group of trained and compassionate volunteers. With their help and aloha, VASH assists in hundreds of visitors each year.
We are fortunate to live in such a caring community. Local businesses, hotels, restaurants, and service agencies provide for a wide variety of visitor and program needs.
VASH Hawai'i Island is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.
We are funded in part by Hawai'i Tourism Authority, County of Hawai'i, and community donations.
Tax deductible donations and in-kind gifts are always welcome.
Mahalo for your support!

Every visitor touched by adversity will also be touched by the Aloha spirit.
To provide supportive services for visitors who are affected by crimes, have medical emergencies, experience the death of a loved one or suffer other adversities during their stay on Hawaiʻi Island.
Take the Pono Pledge

I pledge to be pono (righteous) on the island of Hawai‘i.
I will mindfully seek wonder, but not wander where I do not belong.
I will not defy death for breathtaking photos, or venture beyond safety.
I will malama (care for) land and sea, and admire wildlife only from afar.
Molten lava will mesmerize me, but I will not disrupt its flow.
I will not take what is not mine, leaving lava rocks and sand as originally found.
I will heed ocean conditions, never turning my back to the Pacific.
When rain falls mauka (inland), I will remain high above ground, out of rivers and streams.
I will embrace the island’s aloha spirit, as it embraces me.
Lawe i ka ma'alea a ku'ono'ono. “Take wisdom and make it deep.”
VASH Hawaiʻi Island assists visitors affected by crimes and medical emergencies.
In case of crime or medical emergencies, always call 911 first.
If you experience a non-emergency, please call us directly at 808.756.1472 (East Hawaiʻi) and 808.756.0785 (West Hawaiʻi).
We are a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization and are partially funded by Hawaiʻi Tourism, County of Hawaiʻi and community donations.
Tax deductible donations and in-kind gifts are always welcome. Click here for more information.